This specialized workshop offered the doctoral candidates of the Data-NInJA Graduate School valuable insights and practical tips for crafting a clear and cohesive thesis. This workshop was strategically timed during the doctoral process when students have already established a solid research foundation and are in the initial stages of planning their dissertations.

Spanning three sessions, the workshop provided an overview of the purpose and requirements of a dissertation, including both general standards and specific criteria relevant to the diverse partner institutions within the Data-NInJA network. Participants received guidance on structuring their dissertations to create clear and cohesive work. Additionally, they were equipped with efficient writing techniques and useful advice to streamline the writing process. The German university grading system was also discussed, aiding participants in assessing their own expectations and performance accurately.

A standout moment in the workshop was the second session, featuring Prof. Barbara Hammer, who shared her experiences as an examiner through illustrative negative examples. This allowed doctoral candidates to learn from others’ mistakes and enhance their own work.