DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference

We are excited to invite you to the Data-NInJA DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference, which will take place from June 25th to June 27th, 2024 at Bielefeld University.

Conference Information

25th to 27th of June 2024
CITEC Building, Bielefeld University
Organizers: Barbara Hammer, Ulrike Kuhl

Embracing the theme of “shaping Trustworthy AI”, we will bring together researchers, industry experts, and enthusiasts to explore the latest developments and future prospects in artificial intelligence.


Program at a Glance (download .pdf)

Tuesday, 25.06.2024

Wednesday, 26.06.24

Thursday, 27.06.24


Participation is free of charge, however, advance registration is required and will close on May 31st, 2024! Register now!

Registration is now closed. We look forward to welcoming all registered participants in Bielefeld!

Call for Posters!

The deadline for poster submissions has now passed. Thank you to everyone who submitted their work. The review process is currently underway, and poster authors will be informed of the results by May 24th, 23.59h CEST. We look forward to showcasing the selected posters at the conference!

We are excited to invite researchers, particularly junior researchers, to participate in the poster session at the DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference. You will have the chance to present your poster on Wednesday, June 26th, from 12.30-14.00h and again from 16:30-17:00h.

We welcome submissions of current work at any stage of the research process. Submission may also offer conceptual syntheses of existing knowledge to present a cohesive new concept or idea. If you’re exclusively submitting previously published work, make sure to clearly state where your work has appeared before at the beginning of the abstract. While previously published work is acceptable for presentation at the conference, note that the selection committee may decide not to include it in the conference proceedings to prevent double publication and maintain the integrity of academic publishing standards.

Contributions can cover a wide range of topics within the realm of trustworthy AI, including but not limited to:

  • Ethical considerations in AI development and deployment
  • Transparency and explainability in AI algorithms
  • Fairness and bias mitigation strategies
  • Privacy-preserving AI technologies
  • Robustness and resilience of AI systems against adversarial attacks
  • Accountability and responsibility in AI decision-making
  • Human-centered AI design and interaction

Why Participate?

  • Showcase your research to a diverse audience of AI enthusiasts and experts!
  • Gain valuable feedback and insights from fellow researchers and professionals!
  • Secure a chance at winning the DataNinja 2024 Poster Prize!
  • Network with peers and potential collaborators!
  • Elevate your profile in the AI community!
  • All accepted contributions will be published in our proceedings collection!

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions should consist of a short, extended abstract of up to two pages excluding references.
  • Use the following Latex template for your submission: Latex Template DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference
  • Please send your abstract via email to by May 10th, 2024, 23:59h CEST, with the subject line “sAIOnARA 2024: Poster Abstract Submission.”

Selection Process:

  • Submitted contributions will undergo a thorough review process by the organizers.
  • All selected contributions will be published as conference proceedings.

Poster guidelines:

Please pay attention to the following when preparing your poster:

  • Prepare your poster in A0-size format: 118.9 cm (height) x 84.1 cm (width), portrait orientation
  • State the title and the authors at the top of your poster in easily readable letters
  • Indicate the presenting author if different from the first author
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest
  • Of you’re presenting previously published work, make sure to clearly state where your work has appeared before.
  • The text and the illustrations should be readable from a distance of 1.5 meters – consider the following suggested specifications:
    • Title: 90 pt, Authors: 50 pt, Headings: 36 – 44 pt, Text: 28 – 34 pt
    • Use sans serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica, not Times New Roman)
    • Avoid writing in ALL CAPS or fancy fonts 


  • The poster presentation will be in-person only, meaning that at least one of the authors is required to register and attend the conference.
  • Dedicated poster presentation time is on Wednesday, June 26th, from 12.30-14.00h and again from 16:30-17:00h. During these times, the presence of at least one of the authors at the poster is required.
  • There is the option to display the poster throughout the entire duration of the conference.

Don’t miss this opportunity to share your work. We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the DataNinja sAIOnARA 2024 Conference!

Important Dates

Registration open!

Call for posters announced

23:59h CEST

Poster abstract submission deadline

Poster abstract acceptance notification

23.59h CEST

Registration closes

13.30h CEST

Start of conference

12.30-14.00h / 16.30-17.00h CEST

Poster presentation sessions

15.45-16.15h CEST

Award ceremony for
outstanding poster and
exhibit piece

16.30h CEST

Closing of conference

Publication of conference proceedings


If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out at